I have joined the Photography Adventures Podcast with Dawn D. Hester! Season 1, Episode 6: All about Renee L. Ferguson. Maybe not all about me but it gives a general idea of who I am.
This is not about the technical areas in photography. It is about what we see and what we have learned during our adventures in photography. From time to time we head out and just take photos. From detail shots of what we see on the street, to historical finds in the area. We never know what we may experience. Listen in and enjoy our conversations. You may learn a thing or two!
Click on one of the following links to access the podcast:
SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/episode/6iLfMuoh4P4BEP8u0rq6vV?si=6XTf7lHeS4aeFugKC7lxAg
APPLE PODCAST: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/photography-adventures/id1514672591?i=1000483527110
Be sure to go back and listen to Episodes 1-5 with Dawn. She has an amazing story.
Check it out! And please don't for get to subscribe to Spotify or Apple Podcast!
Thanks for listening! :)